Peterson Chiropractic Clinic

Gentle Precision Upper Cervical Chiropractic Methods

Meet the Doctors

Meet Dr. Timothy Peterson and Dr. Ronald Peterson

Dr. Timothy J. Peterson and Dr. Ronald D. Peterson are the two treating Doctors at Peterson Chiropractic Clinic. Both Doctors are specialized in precision upper cervical chiropractic technique. Dr. Timothy Peterson founded the Peterson Chiropractic Clinic in 1981. In 1983 his brother, Dr. Ronald Peterson joined the Clinic. Dr. Timothy and Dr. Ronald have enjoyed working together as a team for the past 27 years. Having two doctors in the office has been of great benefit for the patients. This is because Dr. Timothy and Dr. Ronald are able to consult with each other regarding difficult and challenging cases.

Also, for each new patient the Doctor examines the patient and gets all the information about the patient’s condition. Once all the examination findings and test results are complete, both doctors then review all the information together. By having both doctors review all the patient’s information, we make sure that nothing is missed. In this way the patient gets the best of both Doctors.

Because both doctors have a thorough understanding of each case, if for some reason one of the Doctors is out of the office, the other Doctor will be able to treat the patient with confidence.

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